Hope Community Crusaders Pathfinder Club
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is committed to understanding young people and training its youth for leadership and service to humanity. The Pathfinder Club is a church-centered spiritual-recreational-activity program designed for young people 10 to 16 years of age. It is filled with action, adventure, challenge, group activities, and provides opportunities for the development of attitudes and skills that produce personal growth, team or community spirit and a sense of loyalty and respect for God, His Creation, and His church. And while the Pathfinder Club exists primarily for youth, one of its basic purposes is to also bring together parents and church members through active involvement with the club and its members.
The Pathfinder Club curriculum of six classes and nearly 250 honors lies at the heart of the program. The following objectives can be achieved through membership:
Seek to foster the harmonious development of the physical, social, intellectual, and spiritual life of the Pathfinder.
Help the young people to understand that God and His church love them, care for them, and appreciate them.
Inspire young people to give personal expression of their love for God by uniting them together in various outreach activities.
Build into a Pathfinder’s life a healthy appreciation and love for God’s creation by enjoying outdoor activity (campouts, nature walks, nature honors, etc.).
Teach Pathfinders specific skills and hobbies that will make their lives more meaningful and will occupy their time with profitable accomplishments.
Encourage the Pathfinder to keep physically fit. Teach children to care for their body and establish habits that will provide for their future happiness and usefulness
Give opportunity for the development of leadership by encouraging club members to work together and share in leadership responsibility.
If you would like to learn more or get involved, please contact our Pathfinder Director Mrs. Christine Omwenga at cbogomba@gmail.com. We look forward to meeting you!